Sunday, February 9, 2014


Title : KL Noir
Author : various

Taste of some local scene. 

One day I was discussing my crime fiction class to my friend, and as usual I get so hyped up trying to deliver a decent enough reproduction of the class' discussions. One thing led to another, and he offered to lend me his book titled KL Noir. For that I thank you, Syuk. 

I normally detest reading short stories. Might stem from the recurring memories of my mediocre jabs into writing while in school. Maybe.

I read this book in hope of a real noir fiction I expected it to be. Turns out that the stories were more fantasy and sci-fi than I wanted it to be. I know that one of the tenets of noir fiction (narrator as a grey area person) was drummed in hard by these authors, which I applaud. The most disappointing thing was the way they portray the fine line between surreal and reality. Reading the 2 novels I have for class before this, I can feel myself immersed in the role of the narrator, and I felt as strongly as how the character feels in the storyline. In these stories, I felt somehow detached, like I was looking over from afar, watching the events unfold while I am safe in my coccoon. Which should not be the case as I know my KL more than I know Harlem or Idaho, no?

I must also say reading them reminds me of my essays a long time ago. Obviously I wasn't as good as these people, but some sentiments stirred memories.  Too many big words, no strength in flow. 

Withstanding the lash of criticism from amateur me for this book branding itself as noir fiction, there are some of the stories that I suggest you guys check out. They bring out the dark side of humanity that is local to Malaysians. 

I will like to recommend this book as a dark phantasma-ish tome to whoever that likes the genre.

Link below is a paper on tenets of noir fiction.

My two cents. 

Rating : 5/10

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