Thursday, February 5, 2015


Title : Lolita
Author : Vladimir Nabokov

#bookchallenge2015 : A banned book. 

What, only my second?

Yes. Been busy proofreading. 

Oh my God, Lo-lee-ta. Dear, dear nymph. 

This book is a swim in a twisted mind of Humbert Humbert, who lived his life loving little girls. Little nymphets, nubile limbs, budding flowers. 

And after a listless life in a marriage that reeks of conventionality, Humbert chanced to find an opportunity to escape to more rural areas with the excuse of writing a masterpiece. Lo and behold, events happened which saw him at the steps of Charlotte Haze's door. He lodged there, wedded her, and adored her kid, dear Dolores Haze. 

His plan went true when she died in an accident, and for two years the newly-made dad and child nymph went zigzagging all over America, embroiled in a stormy and painful incentuous relationship. 

And one day dear Lolita disappeared. 

After years of yearning, a letter from dear daughter unraveled everything. Now a murderer, Humbert Humbert surrendered himself to the authorities, and wrote this memoir to be published after the deaths of him and dear nymphet. 

So it goes. 

Chilling, no, to know the logic of people liking younger bodies? Be right, hearts. Be normal. 

Rating : 8/10 (a bit hard to read, and  it is banned for a good reason. Proceed with rational mind)